Sunday, 24 May 2009

The Best Band in my world

I think everyone has a band or an album that marks a turning point in what they listen to and how they 'view', hear and appreciate music. For me, the band is Wilco, and the album is Yankee Wilco Foxtrot. I remember vividly my first bitterly cold Easter in Wellington, when I trudged to the Paramount (I think) to see the doco based on the recording of that album. Filmed entirely in black and white, it made me fall in love with Chicago, Jeff Tweedy, and the album even more. The album itself is so richly layered that even now, after craploads of listens, I pick up little nuances, hidden sounds, and get the same somewhat-wistful-but-mildly-uplifting feeling I got when I first heard it. Actually, I think when I first heard it I was probably a little astounded. But now I get the aforementioned feeling.

I actually got to see them play live when I was in London, at the Shepards Bush Empire- a brilliant venue. They are just as good live, but with more wit.

One thing that the doco showed was the gradual fallout between Jay Bennett and the rest of the band. He did seem to have a definite personality to him, and from what I can gather the animosity continued between him and Jeff Tweedy- Jay sued him for breach of contract around the doco last year. And this weekend Jay Bennett died, age 45. He was involved with my other favourite Wilco album, Summerteeth too, so I just wanted to acknowledge him here... even though I am more of a Tweedy fan if truth be told.

So, in honour of his passing, a few Wilco links-slash-videos:

I am Trying to Break Your Heart

Jesus etc - probably not one of my top fives, but I found this lovely little cover by a Swedish band - in Swedish. Norah Jones also does a cover, but I decided a Swedish band was far more Exotic than an American.

And, finally, the Wilco website. You can listen to love recordings, and marvel at the Camel on the cover of their next album.

Happy listening! And RIP Jay Bennett.

1 comment:

  1. Heeello? Steph? Steph? Are you out there Steph?
