Sunday, 1 March 2009

the saviour of lip balms

I just ran out of Elizabeth Arden Eight Hour cream, that bastion of multi-purpose cosmetics, and being a cheapskate right now I decided to go back to my favourite lip balm - Carmex. It's like that tingly Blistex in a tub but is American and was invented about 70 years ago. Thing is, I didn't want a tub. And low and behold, I spied perfection in a click-stick at Homestead Health today for the princely sum of $5.30...
Apart from the tingliness which is my favourite thing about this stuff, I LOVE that they've kept the original packaging for the brand. Isn't it great?! And it is all nice and friendly to animals.

Their website is pretty cool too. As per usual, I headed to the shop to have a look - if I had anyone corporate to buy for, I would so buy them a tie...


  1. It is also an amazing coldsore ridder, for 1/4 of the price of the less-well-functioning zovirax. And in using it as a lip balm it keeps them away. It's like it's the best thing ever in the whole wide world, frankly.

  2. wow - I love Carmex too! There is always a tub sitting at my desk (and maybe 3 or 4 floating around the house in random places)
