Thursday, 19 March 2009

Sensei, is it to the left or the right first?

So, I went to the launch of a mentoring scheme today. I originally went a little tired and grumpy, and incredibly cynical as to the potential success of this scheme - a bit shit of me, I know, but it is one of those things that has seemed to grow after almost a year in my job - a cynicism of people who say they are going to do something, yet don't quite explain HOW. Anyway, that could be the beginning of a rant, and i'm trying not to do that on this blog (too much)...

While I was listening to the 5(!) speeches, one of the speakers asked us to consider who we would consider our mentors. The rebel in me immediately thought "I don't need a mentor, I did it all myself suckers", to which the quiet reasoning geeky masters grad retorted "you ignoramus, you have had heaps!" - and it started me musing on what determines a mentor, compared to someone inspirational? I mean, Chloe Sevigny is a style inspiration, but it's not like we've sat down and chatted over a flat white (Chloe, if you're reading this, let's totally do coffee if you find yourself in Wellington, NZ). So who was my biggest mentor mentor? You know, the make-a-real-difference-to-my-life one?

This woman. Claudia Wysocki.
A little Mr Miyagi styles I guess - It sounds a bit boring to say that your School Principal was a mentor to you, but for me it is the geeky truth. Good ole Wysox figured out early on what made me tick, and made me realise literally anything is possible if you can talk your way in to it, and back it up with action. I doubt any other principal would let a High School student be in charge of a $3,000 budget to run their first ever Stage Challenge, or let a 16 year old run riot in the School office organising an interschool Theatresports competition, but this woman did. Take a bow, Clauds.

She isn't at the School anymore, and I think her and her partner moved to Nelson, but my mum used to bump in to her occasionally and without fail she asked about me. The last time I saw her she had had something like some of her intestine taken out for anti-cancer purposes. She said it was pretty much just like a compulsory tummy tuck. Kudos to that! It makes me want to get in touch and write a heart-warming letter.

And then there are all those friends who you talk to about stuff, and those people you look up to. Not that you usually come out and say "Will you be my mentor?" - it just sounds a bit little kid like to me. Then again, how else do you do it? Hmm. Brain conundrum.

Who do you consider to be your mentor?

Oh, and while I was looking up Miss Wysocki, I found - oh the hilarity! Look up all your old teachers! If they are still teaching, they've been bitched about on line! It feels like the ultimate revenge on all those teachers you hated. Brilliant.

I'd hate to be a teacher though...


  1. Woo! Ruthie is a high-rating teacher:

  2. I can't believe people actually trash their teachers online like this! Being a teacher has just slid down the list of possible career options...
