Monday, 23 March 2009

A sternly worded letter.

Dear Busdrivers of Wellington,

I would appreciate it if you would refrain from givng me the death stares, or saying something derogatory towards me when I ask to travel three to four stops.

I am not a fat lazy cow as you seem to be suggesting, rather a young woman who happens to have a strictly limited amount of energy at the moment, in comparison to my peers.

I do not wish to hold up the bus by telling you the vaguaries of my condition, rather simply get to wherever I want to go without overtiring.

Best Wishes,
Miss S. Walker

P.S - Maybe you should just focus on arriving at Bus Stops on time, huh?


  1. Steph, have you got mono? My advice is stop typing and go back to bed. Seriously.

  2. Hee hee I'm so pleased you did write a sternly worded letter.

    Now back to looking at cats...

  3. Umm, I'm recovering from mono - I was really really bas in January, so I'm kind of in mono rehab...
